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Welcome to the "Welcome to the Future" NFT Collection, an art experience that brings together unique digital assets and allows you to explore your imagination. This collection draws inspiration from future technological advancements and a futuristic vision.

Each NFT has been carefully crafted and produced in limited quantities. The collection features original digital artworks with diverse themes. Each piece is based on the artist's profound thoughts and creativity.

These NFTs offer ownership and uniqueness guarantees through blockchain technology. The NFTs you possess carry a special value in the digital art world. Additionally, by owning each NFT, you contribute to the artist's own story and vision.

The "Welcome to the Future" NFT Collection aims to blend art and technology to offer a new art experience. Being a part of this collection is taking a step into a unique and inspiring digital world.

  • Items 112
  • Owners 14
  • Average Price 0.4473
  • Volumes Traded 26.39
Showing 1 - 112 of 112 filtered results
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      Event Asset Name Unit Price From To Time
    • [asset_count]
    • [name]


      [price] ≈$[fiat_value]